Saturday, April 9, 2011

did you know it snowed here? yesterday?!?!

thursday, 10am.
{ignore hand placement, he's 3}
hail, thunder immediately after a perfect sunshiney afternoon, 4pm.
my dogs are afraid of thunder.  they couldn't find the bathtub, so in my closet they went.
{kind of funny, kind of sad}
our backyard, 4:30pm.
and it's coming down and STICKING (39*) 4:45pm.
our poor flowers are so confused.
pepper is NOT.  she's a snow-dog.  and the thunder stopped!
{i think she thinks it was all worth it!!!}
wahoo!!  this is F-U-N!!!
got a little chilly, daddy's hat: ON!
happy camper!
{pepper can't get enough snow on her belly!}
it SNOWED mommy!!!!
making a snow-buuny
{'cause it's april and all....}
{but no idea}
'makes no sensssssse'
{you're welcome dev, tara, les}
snow makes for pretty sunsets -- is this right, ladies?!?
snow-bunny-buuuuuun. snow-bun.
{i hope you hummed snoop-doggy, doooooog. snoop-dog}

and today?  it pushed 70*.  jack thought we needed an umbrella --- no, sweetie, that's just the snow/ice melting off our roof.  hellllloooooo?!?!?  what is going on nature?!?!?!?!


devon lorraine ... said...

it snowed?? you're right, that ... maykes noh sensssse!?!!

but what does make perfect sense is an april snow bunny. what else would you make in an april snow storm? duh.

devon lorraine ... said...

ps did you find the in this instance blog on my blog, or just randomly?

jen said...

from you :)

Leslie said...

this is so crazy! it's hailed the past 3 winter/springs, I think! serious madness.

and had to really look at the hands in pants photo. thought they were just in his pocket.