Tuesday, December 15, 2009


during/after. he maintained this face during the entire haircut...
look at the sad look on jack's face... look what mommy did to me!?!?
you really like it daddy?!?!? here's the smile - daddy's approval was the key.
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Leslie said...

Oh my freaking goodness!! Did you get video of any of it?

trish said...

oh my gosh! the look on Jack's face is priceless. he seriously looks like someone ran over his dog or something. but i adore how his reaction changed when Dad approved :) so sweet. Jack, you are so handsome!

devon lorraine ... said...

i love the shot of jack looking out the window and pete looking in.
was jack touching his own hair after the haircut?

jen said...

and in response...
no, les, no video. it's a pretty traumatic experience. and my hands were busy - holding him down...
trish, thanks so much! i would love for you to meet jack and romp around with him - let me know when you're in cali {but for real, not faux-style :)!}
dev, it's precious, huh? he did touch his own hair, but mainly when someone said something about how handsome and grown-up he looked.