Sunday, October 30, 2011

happy halloween!!

have a very happy and safe halloween everyone!

we carved pumpkins on sunday:
so FUN. obviously.
he wants his pumpkin to look like this.
step one.
retracing mommy's cuts
'make the nose like mine!'
posing with his pumpkin
'baby, daddy, jack, mommy'
'our family!'
trial run with candles.
carving was so fun today - perfect weather and great behavior!  YAY!

halloween 2008

Saturday, October 29, 2011

pumpkin patch!

we visited the suisun valley pumpkin patch this year - so fun!  and there was a maze!  

 jack is totally into mazes - if you're a mom, or a kid-like adult that may watch curious george, you'll know where this maze obsession came from....

we made it to the end and then climbed the huge hay-bale hill!

the variety of pumpkins/squash/gourds reminded me of pennsylvania last year.  i absolutely love this time of year!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

busy bees!

after way too much complaining, we decided to tackle a few to-do items this weekend (in addition to the pumpkin patch, having lunch and a walk with pete's parents, and visiting the new giacobazzi pad - posts to come!).  our plan was simple: pumpkin patch and garage cleaning.  we did so.much.more!

friday pm:  pumpkin patch in suisun valley - so fun, post later. check!
cleaned out garage!  we were originally going to save this task for saturday - you know how long it can take to clean out a garage - but our neighbors were going to have a garage sale satruday am and offered to sell a few items for us (yes, please!  i hate garage sales, but love not throwing away or donating everything).  we sold a few items and got the garage manageable (as best as we'll ever have it!) that evening.  check!

saturday am:  garage sale - we were up bright and early to price and deliver our five items to the garage sale across the street.  we ended up organizing our porch area (toys, especially) and playing outside before heading to the east bay for a walk and lunch at pete's parents.  we spent a leisurely afternoon chatting and listened to cal (WIN!) on the way home.  check!

saturday pm:  relax!  and i made homemade mac-n-cheese.  delish!

sunday am:
storage closets - we woke up feeling so refreshed and with a great sense of accomplishment (even though we just cleaned out the garage- ha!).  we kept the beat rolling and attacked our mess of a mess storage closest.  i store all our holiday decor, stuff jack's grown out of, and pete stores tools in there.  we had a bit of a mishap involving bird seed and rodents (you don't want to know) and i'm super happy we did it this weekend.  we found out that the car seat and a few other items we were banking on using for baby #2 had become the home to a little family with big teeth.  all ruined - better now than later to find that out - i cried a ton, but we're just going to have to go out and buy it all again!  (i'm in better spirits now) check!

fire alarm and carbon monoxide detectors - installed with the help of our resident handy man! check!

sunday pm:
plants - after viisting laura and eric's new pad, we came home to a ho-hum front yard.  pete suggested we buy pots to make our cone topiaries more grand, and i was digging it!  i wish i had before pics, but i think they're pretty cute now! check!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


our halloween decor (inside):
how creepy is that picture of the scary guy?  we have a girl one too.
she's behind the sweet pumpkins:
hey, pumpkin, meet you at the patch! :)
the creepy ones talk and flash with red lights in their eyes --- they give me the creeps.
hence the sweet pumpkin placement...
i'm loving my new silhouette pictures!
excuse the 'pumpkin snowman's' missing face.
i've kept some of our decor in the halloween box - hitting that 3rd trimester - i don't feel so well and there are more important things to do than go all-out for halloween (like tackle that HUGE to-do list -- not even a dent in it since the last posts: here, here, here, and here!  ah!).  we did, however, enjoy creating these displays and i have a few other craft projects/games for jack to do.  i hope to decorate outside this weekend (i just have up purple lights with no power-source, ran out of energy - ha! get it?) as we are planning on having my family over for some trick-or-treating, snacks + dinner, and desserts.  that's all if laura isn't in LABOR.  she's due in less than a week (the 26th of october)!!!   i have to go do some work on the baby's room (like get out all the JUNK i've thrown in it - eek!) before it's a week before my due date and there's no place to put the diapers but the kitchen!

do you decorate for halloween?  whatcha do?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

jamie kanter's birthday

les was amazing for jk's birthday this year!  i think she created the first.EVER facebook flash mob.  i'm hoping this link works for you, because her debut flash mob album entitled 'A Day in the TuckLife of Jamie Kanter' is amazing.  not only did this creative genius spend her weekend taking pics of 'jamie' all around newfreakinghampshire, she also sent an email to friends/family/previous bosses(?) to do the same all over the country.  

our snapshots:
mommy, is this JAMIIEEEEE?
'hi, i'm jamie'
jack, we have to take pictures for his birthday.
ah, a snack!
jack says, no jamie is NOT a snack.
how about this one?
with my pumpkin!
happy birthday squeeeeze!
and my grasshopper!
jack also yelled, let me seeeee! after every single picture.  it was adorable.  happy birthday, jamie!  and thank you to les for entertaining us for a while :).