i was all fired up tonight, trying to get a creative christmas card together before monday. i'm thinking i can get one designed, printed, addressed, and postmarked by monday - they'll be in the mailboxes of the lucky recipients by wednesday. tuesday for my cali friends + family. i wasn't able to find a photo i liked, so i decided to do 'trial-runs' with other photos and decided we totally need a new blog title photo thing. like NEEDED. christmas card, shmistmas card. tomorrow's another day...
but seriously, creative-techno folks, how do i get this going to stretch without distortion? impossible? how do i keep the blog 'title' (which i can't leave blank) - from showing in additon to the title on the pic? if you ahve great, easy-to-follow advice - COMMENT, please! i need to get this project completed before i'm able to work on christmas cards. you know, i have my priorities.
and btw, this is not my final attempt. i don't like the size of the fonts. or necessarily the colors. i just love the colors of the pic and jack's very-him expression.
i LOVE this photo! but jack isn't a baby any more! i can't believe this.
i know! why did he have to grow... it's fun, though! super fun to have conversations, etc. there are joys and challenges to each age, but TOTALLY worth it - he's a terrible two now. but def puts himself in time-out, so it's all good.
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