a little jen decorating background: for those that know me (or those that have seen pics of our house), you know that i am not a blue girl. i bought blue towels for our master to go with some neat chocolate brown and blue pictures from hamilton house. hated the towels (still love the pics, they are so neat. will post about them someday). lived with them for about a year, then decided to move the blue from our room to the guest room and ended up with our sandy and chocolate brown room with hints of orangy-red. way more my scene. no room in my house is missing chocolate brown or red, except our guest bath which is painted green (but, come to think of it, has some red flowers and a chocolate brown shower curtain). i love green. i had a green room at alpha phi and green bathroom at my townhouse. in fact, if i had the nerve, we'd have way more green in our house. the nerve to pick it out (tricky color) and the nerve to have the green's live in the land o' green. ha!
anyway, i now LOVE the color iceburg and have done a little accessorizing, but plan on adding a few more pieces (shelf, mirrors, family pictures of yester-year, etc. that's why there is a ....for now! in the title of this blog). but, alas, i would consider this room done and will check it off my list of things to do in that crazy week (or two, whatever, try to get that list done in a week with a baby jack-jack and hubby pete and two dogs, a crazy job, time to breathe, etc.!!)