Thursday, December 25, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
moving day(s)
we moved boxes on wednesday, took thursday off, worked like crazy on friday, and probably have today and tomorrow, too. we're down to cleaning both places and moving those little odds and ends!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
happy thanksgiving!
we wish everyone a fantastic thanksgiving - complete wit family, friends, and fabulous food!!
we'll be celebrating jack's first with grandma & grandpa steward & aunt sara, then with gran & grandpa costanzo & aunt laura, uncle jd, & uncle david. jack will dine on TWO turkey dinners in about 6 hours. yum.
we'll be celebrating jack's first with grandma & grandpa steward & aunt sara, then with gran & grandpa costanzo & aunt laura, uncle jd, & uncle david. jack will dine on TWO turkey dinners in about 6 hours. yum.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
our little builder

jack's reviewing plans in the car on our way to the mall. our little builder! we're getting ready to meet with my dad and a few other professionals to decide on how to go about our crooked house. did i mention that? nobody was able to buy our new home because the foundation is a little off in a corner... not a little, a lot. with our brainstorming, sweat, and construction loan, along with some expertise and experience, we'll have a great home that's level, etc. we'll update!
and thanks to courtney and leslie for reminding me of the 'roots' of our new place - research is underway! and devon (great question!), we're moving for the challenge? with the price of the home, we couldn't pass it up! it'll be some work, but eventually we'll find our little country home on a very quiet street with mature fruit trees and large oaks as home sweet home. our place now is great, but i think we're a little more country than country club :)
i started packing our office this evening (after boasting about the closet organizers to a potential renter, who then wanted to see the said organizer, as i realized that i wasn't able to OPEN the closet doors because of all the books and office junk we had stored there... needless to say, the potential renter got to see the organizer and all our junk! i felt like a fool for mentioning the organizer knowing full well i hadn't packed the closet, in fact, i had just thrown one more thing inside and slammed the door to prevent an avalanche).
anyway, i have a few books left from my years teaching and while i packed them i felt a little tug on my heart-strings. especially when i came to The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. i read this book to my class at the beginning and end of each year, crying the entire time. you should read it - it's a touching story about a tree who loved a boy, and a boy who loved a tree. grab a tissue first.
Monday, November 10, 2008
apple hill 2008
pete, jack, and i ventured up to apple hill yesterday as part of our tradition. we went a little later in the season this year, and boy was it cold! jack bundled up in his racoon hat, too cute. we went to high hil and boa farms to view the crafts and get yummy snacks. i 've been waiting for this trip for a while, all too excited for a carmellow (caramel covered marshmellow)! last year, i couldn't get enough! pete and i realized it must've been my pregnancy hormones, because although they were good, they weren't the same this year. it was a long drive for a little fun, but well worth it. we'll go up earlier next year so jack can fish in the pond - he'll be amost two then! yikes!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
caution = 'vision' required
the green family is moving! we're in contract to buy the above property. we've been offering on this house for about 7 months now. originally it was a short sale and our offer was extremely low compared to the mortgage due. no deal. later, it was on the market again for less than our original offer (weird market these days - short sales are hard to get!) and was snatched up right away. rats. we actually put an offer in on another house down the street because we thought this one for gone for sure. but, again, it popped back on the market - for a steal, too - so we offered and it was accepted and we're in contract! i know, it doesn't seem like a family would try so hard for it, but it has soooo much potential. stay tuned, suggestions will be welcomed.

we visited the local pumpkin patch to pick out four pumpkins - one for mommy, one for daddy, one for baby jack, and one for pepper and bailey to share. we (pete and i) carved away on thursday night (a vampire, a ghost, a two-toothed pumpkin ~in honor of jack's two teeth~, and a bone, respectively). jack hung out in his high chair, ate some snacks, and watched carefully. he has loved pumpkins since they debuted in the beginning of october. gran and i are a little worried we've created a halloween monster (intended). each time we showed him a 'scary' monster, he would smile or laugh. his favorite song is 'the monster mash' and he tried to kiss every jack-o-lantern he saw!
jack dressed up as a monkey for his first halloween. the weather ended up nice, rain stopping long enough for the neighborhood kids to trick-or-treat, and for pete, jack, and i to have people over for a bar-b-que and s'mores roasting over our fire pit. jack was in a great mood all night and enjoyed visiting some of the neighbors trick-or-treating for his first time! check out the pic with the hershey bar - totally my son!
we visited the local pumpkin patch to pick out four pumpkins - one for mommy, one for daddy, one for baby jack, and one for pepper and bailey to share. we (pete and i) carved away on thursday night (a vampire, a ghost, a two-toothed pumpkin ~in honor of jack's two teeth~, and a bone, respectively). jack hung out in his high chair, ate some snacks, and watched carefully. he has loved pumpkins since they debuted in the beginning of october. gran and i are a little worried we've created a halloween monster (intended). each time we showed him a 'scary' monster, he would smile or laugh. his favorite song is 'the monster mash' and he tried to kiss every jack-o-lantern he saw!
jack dressed up as a monkey for his first halloween. the weather ended up nice, rain stopping long enough for the neighborhood kids to trick-or-treat, and for pete, jack, and i to have people over for a bar-b-que and s'mores roasting over our fire pit. jack was in a great mood all night and enjoyed visiting some of the neighbors trick-or-treating for his first time! check out the pic with the hershey bar - totally my son!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
jack laughing, warms your heart!
here is a video of jack laughing... what at? a piece of metal being dropped on our tile entryway. he gets a kick out of it until nature calls... so funny!
i haven't been blogging because i was so frustrated at not being able to upload the next post's video. anyway, i should be back on the band-wagon again now!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
water polo
jack's getting ready to follow in his daddy's footsteps as a water polo player! he's practicing with his polo ball in baby size from adam. let's just say i'm hoping for a scholarship - of any kind - academic, sports, cuteness...
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
happy anniversary, pete!
happy 2nd wedding anniversary, hubby! i hope you enjoyed breakfast, it was nice to celebrate with you this morning. looking forward to tonight and the rest of our lives!! i love you.
roll on you bears!
here is a slideshow of our first family cal game. jack was great the entire day! we took bart, ate at the lair of the bear, walked to the stadium, and cheered the bears on to victory. jack slept through a couple touchdowns (such a sound sleeper) and enjoyed watching the band.
Monday, September 29, 2008
silly goose
jack is so silly! he has such a great, funny personality already, we just love it! here he is doing a morning routine - head-butting himself in the mirror. i didn't catch him laughing this time, but it's still silly:
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
a little mischievous
we have a step that goes from our bathroom to bedroom... jack climbed off the step and into the laundry basket. he smiled for a picture, the little stinker!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
he's crawling!
jack's spent quite a while doing the 'worm' around our house. lunge, up on all fours, lunge again. but, last week, he crawled on all fours! we were lucky to have the camera near by to catch our little dude:
Sunday, September 21, 2008
jack's adventure in the kitchen
jack loves water, so we aren't surprised he was splashing in pepper and bailey's water bowl!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
bath time
we got jack a nifty little contraption that helps him sit up in the tub. we've been passing on the bath, opting for showers for a while because jack didn't like to lay down. he'd shower with daddy, getting water all in his face and loved it. we were waiting for him to sit by himself before attempting baths again. he loved it! we filled up the tub more than suggested, use 'minimal water - babies have drown using this seat'. but jack loved splashing and there wasn't a nano-second that my eyes and hands weren't ready for a rescue. enjoy a video:
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
jack's new highchair
Sunday, September 7, 2008
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